Capital Required for Income

The age-old question when planning for retirement is ‘how much do I need to save’. This calculator asks your clients how much annual income they’d like in retirement and for how long and gives them an idea of how much capital they’ll need to save before retirement to make their dream a reality.

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Capital Required for Income

SMART TALK… about living benefits

Injury or illness can happen to anyone, including your clients. Help your clients understand the importance of living benefits, specifically critical illness and disability insurance, and how it can help them pay their bills and provide them with peace of mind when they can no longer generate an income.

Share this video to illustrate how living benefits can protect your client and their family during uncertain times. Continue reading “SMART TALK… about living benefits”

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SMART TALK...about living benefits

Transferring Life Insurance – What You Need to Know!

While it’s best to avoid the need to transfer life insurance to an individual or corporation – along with the resulting tax consequences – it’s not always possible to foresee every future circumstance. There can be times when a transfer just needs to be done. Continue reading “Transferring Life Insurance – What You Need to Know!”

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What You Should Know Before You Transfer Life Insurance

When the value of your client’s business has declined, the timing may be right for an estate freeze

During these unprecedented times, the value of your client’s private corporation or other assets may have dropped 10%, 20%, 30% or more. While this result is very challenging, it may be the right time to take advantage of the lower value in order to reduce future taxes. Continue reading “When the value of your client’s business has declined, the timing may be right for an estate freeze”

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If your business value declines, there are steps you can take today to reduce taxes later

Bundling Insurance: A Holistic Approach to Helping Clients Manage Risk

To best serve clients, you know it’s important to dig deep and understand their true needs. The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) recommends implementing a needs-based selling process for each individual client, highlighting three specific steps: collect all important information about the client, implement this data into a needs analysis program to determine their requirements and provide your professional recommendation, unique to the client’s needs (1).

When you take this holistic approach, you take into account the impact that sickness or disability could have on the lives of your clients as well as their loved ones. Your recommendations may therefore include a combination of life insurance, critical illness and disability coverage. When you find yourself recommending more than one product solution, consider combining them into one bundle.

Continue reading “Bundling Insurance: A Holistic Approach to Helping Clients Manage Risk”

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The Complete Puzzle: The Benefits of Bundling

The Importance of Corporate Insurance for Your Client

If your client owns their own business, incorporation is a must since corporate structures have significant benefits such as limited liability, continuity of the business, easier access to capital, lower income tax rates with small business tax deductions and a potential tax deferral.

However, has your client considered corporate-owned insurance? Not to be confused with insurance purchased for the business (also a must), corporate-owned insurance is a life insurance policy purchased by the corporation on the life of a shareholder in order to protect the business in the case of the shareholder’s death. Continue reading “The Importance of Corporate Insurance for Your Client”

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How Corporate Insurance Can Benefit your Business

SMART TALK… about Shareholders’ Agreements

The world of business can be quite unpredictable, especially if a business partner becomes ill or even dies. Continue reading “SMART TALK… about Shareholders’ Agreements”

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Smart Talk about Shareholders' Agreements