Passive Investment Income Calculator

The 2018 Federal Budget introduced new rules that can reduce the amount of the small business deduction available for active income earned in a corporation. The small business deduction is reduced by $5 for every $1 of passive income a corporation earns over $50,000 and is completely eliminated if the corporation earns over $150,000. Continue reading “Passive Investment Income Calculator”

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Passive Investment Income Calculator

Juvenile Insurance – Why You’re Never Too Young to Secure Your Future

You do a great job to help your clients understand the benefits of life and critical illness insurance, save for retirement and create an emergency fund – all to ensure that their financial future is secure. However, have you discussed what is available to help them safeguard their children’s financial future as well? Continue reading “Juvenile Insurance – Why You’re Never Too Young to Secure Your Future”

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Juvenile Insurance – Why You’re Never Too Young to Secure Your Future

Death, Taxes and Probate Fees

It’s often said that nothing in life is certain but death and taxes. Probate fees on an estate can be added to this common saying. Probate fees are paid on the fair market value of the assets held in the deceased’s estate. While obtaining a grant of probate is not mandatory, in order for certain assets (land, financial accounts, publicly traded securities) to be transferred to beneficiaries and to protect the Executor and others from liability, most estates are probated. Continue reading “Death, Taxes and Probate Fees”

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Death, Taxes and Probate Fees

Insurance for Your Whole Life

Participating whole life insurance is one of the most tried and tested products in the life insurance industry. It has had its ups and downs, but the stability, security, and simplicity of whole life has kept it as one of the most popular forms of permanent insurance. Despite this, clients are still often confused and bewildered by the high cost of the products.

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Insurance for Your Whole Life

The Most Common Misconceptions of Life Insurance

If your client is purchasing life insurance for the first time, they may have many unanswered questions. For example, they may be wondering about the types of life insurance available to them, and how much coverage they need to protect their families financially. This article will help answer some of their questions, as well as give them various aspects of life insurance to think about before and after they have made this important purchase. Ultimately, it will address five common misconceptions about life insurance that clients may have when purchasing it for the first time.

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Five Common Misconceptions When Purchasing Life Insurance

Help Clients With a Crash Course in Life Insurance

Although the answers to basic life insurance questions may be clear to us, some clients will appreciate a simple explanation of what it all means. Helping your client gain a better understanding of what life insurance is can be a great way to start a conversation about why it is so important.

Share the client article below to get your clients’ initial questions answered.

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Stress Less About Your Future with Life Insurance

SMART TALK… how insurance can help your clients build their business

Do you have clients who are business owners yet don’t have the right insurance plan in place because they are so focused on trying to build their business? They may not be aware that business insurance can help mitigate risks and provide opportunity when it comes to growing their business.

Share the client article below and accompanying short video which explain the importance of having a Shareholders’ Agreement and key person insurance, how business owners can use life insurance as collateral for a bank loan, and how they can maximize their estate plan. Continue reading “SMART TALK… how insurance can help your clients build their business”

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Smart Talk – How Insurance Can Help Build Your Business

Explain How Insurance Delivers Both Security and Opportunity to Business Owners

As a business owner, insurance can provide not only protection, but also opportunity when it comes to growing one’s business. Life insurance policies can protect shareholders and their family members, the corporation itself, and key persons to the business. And, it can also enhance the cash flow to the corporation by assigning the policy as collateral for a loan.

As an Advisor who runs your own practice, you are likely aware of how this works. But do your clients who are business owners need a little help in learning more about their options? Do they have a shareholders’ agreement, key person insurance, or understand how corporate insurance can be used tax effectively to benefit a charity?

Here’s a client article that helps explain how business owners can utilize insurance to provide both opportunity and security while building their assets in a tax-effective way for their retirement or estate plan. To learn more about the CDA, read Turn Your Clients into CDA Wizards.

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How Insurance Provides Security - and Opportunity - for your Business

Is Joint Last-to-Die Insurance Right for Your Client?

If your clients are uncertain on whether joint life coverage is right for them and their spouse, highlight the following benefits for them:

  • The cost of insurance used at the time of issue will be lower than the single life cost currently charged and is fully guaranteed
  • The tax free death benefit receipt coincides to the payment of taxes on the death of the surviving spouse
  • It can help achieve intergenerational wealth transfer, charitable giving and legacy planning

Read the article below that explains this in more detail and share it with your client from, our client-friendly insurance blog.

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Is Joint Insurance Coverage Right for You and Your Spouse?