Life moves fast and changes to your client’s health, employment, living situation and finances can happen in a heartbeat. We’ve all experienced a great deal of change, especially over the course of the pandemic. In fact, a 2021 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA (1) discovered that the heightened awareness and uncertainty during the recent pandemic motivated people to purchase more insurance. From protecting one’s income for the benefit of surviving family members, to having funds to meet hospital bills, the importance of insurance has never been more evident.
This industry is built on relationships and client expectations have never been higher. Clients want ongoing, personalized relationships with their Advisors and would prefer that their Advisor reach out to them, rather than initiating that contact themselves. Your clients value consistency and reliability above all else, so it’s prudent to have a post-sale service strategy and process in place. Continue reading “Your Guide to Insurance Reviews”